
PMMI provides daily cleaning services along the Transit Mall, as well as the Light Rail Transit Loop and along SW Yamhill and Morrison between SW 1st and 13th. Cleaning services include: daily removal of litter and graffiti from sidewalks and transit shelters; daily transit shelter upkeep and cleaning; weekly pressure washing of transit shelters; as well as routine pressure washing of sidewalks.  PMMI cleaners are distinct from, but work in close coordination with Downtown Portland Clean & Safe.


Through contractual agreements with the City of Portland and Tri-Met, PMMI works to provide ongoing maintenance for the physical infrastructure along the Portland Mall. This includes projects that were often neglected in the past such as: routine trash receptacle repair and replacement; annual tree pruning; annual storm drain flushing; routine repairs to sand-set paver intersections; cyclical repainting of: benches, traffic signals, streetlights and other poles; working with Parks Bureau to provide seasonal plantings along the Mall.



PMMI works closely with Downtown Portland Clean & Safe, the Portland Police Bureau as well as private sector companies to ensure the safety of all community members. Through these partnerships, PMMI provides enhanced security throughout the Portland Mall and the Light Rail Transit Loop. Six security officers are deployed to provide the “eyes and ears” necessary to foster a safe environment for transit customers, pedestrians, and businesses.

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